المزاد 107 Winner's Unlimited - Eretz Israel and Zionism, Postcards and Photographs, Numismatics, Posters, Maps, Judaica, Holy books, Letters from Rabbis and Rebbes
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الوحدة 498:

Invitation to the the Admor of Shomrei Emunim, Rabbi Aharon Roth's Son's Wedding

تم البيع مقابل: $120
السعر المبدئي:
$ 100
السعر المقدّر :
$200 - $400
عمولة صالة المزادات: 22%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 17% على العمولة فقط
المستخدمين من الدول الإجنبية قد يكونون معفيين من الضرائب، بما يتوافق مع اللوائح الضريبية الخاصة ببلدهم
8.5.18 في Winner'S
الكلمات الرمزية: مخطوطات وكتابات ربينية

Invitation to the the Admor of Shomrei Emunim, Rabbi Aharon Roth's Son's Wedding

Invitation to the the Admor of Shomrei Emunim [founder of the chassidut], Rabbi Aharon Roth's son's wedding. The bridegroom: Rabbi Avraham Chaim [the Admor of Shomrei Emunim - Jerusalem], the bride: Batya Chaya, Jerusalem. With an interesting addition from the bridegroom's grandfather, the Admor of Zvhill.

Interesting invitation in which the Admor of Shomrei Emunim, Rabbi Aharon Roth, is called the 'Admor of Satmar.' In 1921, the Admor established a group called 'Yirei Hashe-m' in Satmar, Rumania, and was called the "Admor of Satmar' for some time, as he was considered by his followers to be the successor the the Admor of Satmar. A picture of the Admor of Zvhill is on the left side of the invitation, with an inscription next to it requesting help with the wedding expenses of his son, Rabbi Mordechai, and blessing those who assist with this.

The Admor Rabbi Aharon Roth [Reb Ahrelech 1894-1947] founder of the Shomrei Emunim chassidut, known by the nickname 'Reb Ahreleh' and to this day residents of the old yishuv in Jerusalem are know as 'Reb Ahrelech.' Born in Ungvar to his father, who was a butcher, he started the dynasty himself, a rare thing in itself. He was holy and refrained from pleasures of the world, and required of his chassidim extremely modest and ascetic conduct. Authored many books, including Shomer Emunim  and Taharat HaKodesh. The holy group continues to our day in the chassidic groups "Shomer Emunim," "Toldot Avraham Yitzchak," "Mevakshei Emunah" and more.

The bridegroom, Rabbi Avraham Chaim Roth [1924-2012] the first Admor of the Shomer Emunim chassidut after the passing of the "Chok Chaim," founder of the Shomer Emunim group, in his first years serving as Admor, he was called the "Admor of Beregszasz" after his birthplace.

10x17 cm. Fold mark, fine condition.