April Collectors Auction, Day 1
Por Lion & Unicorn
200 Oakwood Lane Suite 200 Hollywood, FL 33020, Estados Unidos
O leilão terminou

LOTE 23:

Bernard Moore Flambe Vase with Lemon Blossoms

Preço inicial:
$ 100
Preço estimado :
$700 - $1 400
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 8.875% Incide sobre o valor do lote, sem IVA sobre a comissão
26.4.22 em Lion & Unicorn

Bernard Moore Flambe Vase with Lemon Blossoms
With decoration of spiraling flowers and lemons on branches.
Overlapping band along top and bottom of vase. Signed Bernard Moore to base along with Artist Initials CJ. #lemons #naturalbeauty

Artist: Cicely Johnson
Issued: 1900
Dimensions: 10"H
Manufacturer: Bernard Moore
Country of Origin: England