Leilão 2 Fine antique Judaica
14.6.17 (A sua hora local)

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Time in Israel: 23:30

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LOTE 32:

Rosh Milin. First edition. London 1917

Preço inicial:
$ 250
Comissão da leiloeira: 20%
IVA: Sobre a comissão apenas

Rosh Milin. First edition. London 1917.
The upheavals of World War One found R. Avrohom Yitzchok Kook, then Rav of Yaffo, in exile in London. There he accepted the Rabbinate of the famed Machzike Ha’Daas community, consisting of many learned scholars and layman. Whilst in London, Rav Kook authored this Kabbalistic work dealing with the secrets of the Aleph Beis and their sounds, as well as the cantillations used for the reading of the Torah.
Zalkind press. 1, 140, 1 pages. 12.2 cm. Fine condition. Original binding (restored).
Opening bid $250.