Toys and Sports Collectibles Auction
Por The Lodge Auction House
212 Cazenovia street Buffalo, NY 14210, Estados Unidos
The Lodge Auction House is presenting this Sports, Chess and Toys Collectibles Auction. This auction is from one collector. The auction features NY Giants Helmets, Friction Toys, Vintage Toys, Monster Models, as well as Beatles' Posters and memorabilia.
O leilão terminou


Fostex Headphones In original box

Vendido por: $11
Preço inicial:
$ 5
Preço estimado :
$100 - $125
Comissão da leiloeira: 20% Mais detalhes
IVA: 8.75% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro

Fostex Headphones In original box
In original box