Vintage Redline Hot Wheels and more
Por Toys Trains and Other Old Stuff LLC
1951 W Division Rd Fowler Indiana 47944, Estados Unidos
Super collection of early Redline Hot Wheels with many desirable castings and colors, not an auction that any serious collector would want to miss.
La subasta ha concluído


You will invoiced shortly after the end of the sale

Precio inicial:
$ 2
Precio estimado :
$5 - $100
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 15% Más detalles
IVA: 8.875% IVA sobre el lote, no sobre la comisión

You will invoiced shortly after the end of the sale
We will send invoices within 2-3 hours after the end of the auction on Saturday afternoon / evening, once you pay your invoice, your items will be packed and a separate invoice will be sent through a completely separate system. We do not accept credit card payments over the phone. If you would like to avoid the 3.5% convenience fee, you can pay via check or money order for the cash total due, make your check out to Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC or just TTOOS, and send it to 1951 W Division Rd, Fowler, IN 47944.