Leilão 70
Por Aste Dams
Via Aurelia, 61 - 00165 Rome, Itália
Scadenza lotti, lunedì 22 marzo, dalle ore 10 CET.
O leilão terminou


Antonio Marasco (1896 - 1975)
Futurist landscape

Preço inicial:
22.3.21 em Aste Dams

Futurist landscape
Technique: wax on a lithographic background colored by hand by the artist
Dimensions: 50 x 70 cm

double signature in the lower right: Marasco, framed, small spots of humidity
This is a series of unnumbered lithographic works. The artist, starting from a lithographic base in black and white, that is the same for all the works, intervened individually on each of them, coloring them differently