المزاد 5
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الوحدة 35:

3 seforim only editions, by the author R' Yisroel Dovid Yaffe-Margolis-Schlesinger

السعر المبدئي:
$ 260
السعر المقدّر :
$400 - $500
عمولة صالة المزادات: 20%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 8.875% على سعر الوحدة، لا توجد ضريبة على العمولة
الكلمات الرمزية:

3 seforim only editions, by the author R' Yisroel Dovid Yaffe-Margolis-Schlesinger

Lot of 3 seforim only editions, by the author R' Yisroel Dovid Yaffe-Margolis-Schlesinger

Mecholas HaMachana’im  - An important Halachic work concerning various customs of the synagogue, the placement of the Bimah, the role of women and other topics. This collection of responsa was written at the height of the dispute between the Hungarian Orthodox and Neolog communities, and constitutes a strong defense of the mesorah. This work was strongly criticized by leaders of the Neolog movement in one of their publications, and the author responded publicly in a later work entitled Har Tavor. Includes various diagrams regarding the lunar cycle.

Vinograd Pressburg 128. Ellinger press. 80 pages, followed by an additional 2 pages with names of sponsors and one page of an advertisement with a list of seforim available at the book dealer Ellingers, which do not appear in all copies.18.5 cm. Very good condition 
Har Tavor Vinograd Pressburg 161. Heinrich Zieber press. 36 pages followed with 12 pages in German. Good condition, some water stains.
Chazon La'Moed, Pressburg 1843, Ostranamy 80 pages. Very good condition.
The author R' Yisroel Dovid Yaffe-Margolis-Schlesinger (1802-1864) was an esteemed student of the Chasam-Sofer, who mentions him numerous times in his own responsa. He served as Rav in Pezing, and was an ardent defender of the mesorah, to which he devoted much of his life’s work.