Asta 88 Historical Militaria, Autographs, and Ephemera Auction, Feb. 8 & 9, 2021
98 Bohemia Ave., St. 2, Chesapeake City, MD 21915, Stati Uniti

1,400 lots of historical militaria from all conflicts; historical autographs and ephemera from all fields of collecting.
L'asta è terminata



Venduto per: $460
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 400
Prezzo stimato:
$800 - $1 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 30% Maggiori dettagli
IVA: 8.875% Sul prezzo del lotto, Non c'è IVA su commissione

Incredible content A.L.S. 'E', a love letter to Adolf Hitler from someone clearly intimately familiar with him, 2pp. legal folio, [n.p.], Feb. 8, 1926. In part: '...My dear Wolf!...I should like to tell you again and again that in my thoughts I am closely bound to you and that I should like to bring a little bit of joy into your life...Sometimes I think how beautiful it would be if we could stay together for an hour at least once a month. This would be sufficient for a considerable amount of time. To be together, all quiet, only making music and not talking at all. I am ardently interested in all those decisive questions. I can understand that your love of your people is fanatic, only thus have you been able to perform and carry out all you have done without losing either faith or courage. I, too, wish to serve your great idea with complete dedication...You, dearest Wolf, if only I could earn much money now; it would be my most beautiful thought to put it at your disposal, but as everywhere the bad times and the lack of money make them heavily felt in the musical life. I'm much oppressed by this consciousness of impotence. So for the time being I cannot help you actively, only firmly believe in you and love you! Hail!...' Fine condition. Sold with a T.L.S. from WINIFRED WAGNER, 2pp. 8vo., Bayreuth, Oct. 16, 1979, speculating to a collector regarding the unknown lover. In part: '...There is z. B Sabine Offermann, a Wagner singer in Bayreuth...there are the sisters Inge and Lola Eppe, cabaret dance performances who earn their living as nude models in the Munich art academy; there is the film actress Gretl Theimer and in 1930 Marta Mayerhans, an ice skating artist who celebrates triumphs in the Prinzregentenstadion.' With its several musical references, this letter could also have been written by ERNA HANFSTAENGL (1885-1981), the elder sister of Ernst ('Putzi') Hanfstaengl and who was believed to have been one of Hitler's lovers. Erna was beautiful, charming, cultured and intelligent, and was a talented singer and musician, having trained in Dresden. Hitler himself was a talented pianist. In the days following the failed Beer Hall putsch, it was rumored that Hitler and Erna had sex while the former was hiding at a country house in Uffing. Rumors circulated in Munich in 1923 that Hitler and Erna were to be engaged; in the spring of 1923, the most widely read newspaper in Munich, the Münchener Neuste Nachrichten, published a story to this effect. Even Hitler's niece (and another alleged lover), Geli Raubal, became jealous of the relationship. In 1943, Walter Schellenberg, on Himmler's orders, actually plotted Hitler's kidnapping with Erna, who had become disaffected with the Nazi leader.