מכירה פומבית 4 Valkyrie - Winter Auction 2021
 PO Box 13020 Des Moines, IA 50310
המכירה הסתיימה

פריט 699:

Auschwitz III Monowitz Buna Werke - Book From Library !

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא 
נמכר ב: $175
מחיר פתיחה:
$ 50
$150 - $200
עמלת בית המכירות: 25%

Auschwitz III Monowitz Buna Werke - Book From Library !
Book recovered from former scientific library in KL Auschwitz III - Monowitz. This book was one of the hundreds of thousands books that were kept in this place the infamous Buna Werke, that was operative under Polish government rule until the 90's. All books from library were plundered and sold. It has a nice ink stamp that tells this book was in that libarty in IG Farben factory in Monowitz. Book is on electronic devices of vocal remote communication.

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא