Par Rarity Auction House
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LOT 147:

A rare Sefer Kodesh Yisroal with the signature of the Rebbe of Pshevarsk Shlita as a child in Paris

Vendu pour: $1 000
Prix de départ:
$ 700
Commission de la maison de ventes: 22%
TVA: 8.38% On lot's price, no vat on commission
22.12.20 à Rarity Auction House

A rare Sefer Kodesh Yisroal with the signature of the Rebbe of Pshevarsk Shlita as a child in Paris
A rare sefer with the signature of the Rebbe of Pshevarsk Shlita as a child in Paris
A rare sefer, Kodesh Yisrael by the great Gaon Rabbi Aviezer ben Yitzchak from the children of Tiktin and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. Printed in Warsaw in 1865

קודש ישראל: וארשא תרכ"ה (1865). חיבור שלם על הלכות טבילת קרי והמסתעף מאת רבי אביעזר מטיקטין בע"ס מקור הברכה. בדף י, ב כותב המחבר נגד מנהג החסידים לטבול כל יום - ראה שם טעמו ונמוקו. 

R. Aviezer of Tiktin, a renowned Lithuanian kabbalist who emigrated to Erets Yisroel in 1840. He authored Mishmeres Ha’Bris and Brocho Meshuleshes.

Rabbi Leibish Leizer was Born in the town of Peshborsk (then in Galicia) year 1938 to Rabbi Yaakov Leizer, later the second Rebbe of Peshawarsk, and to his mother, the daughter of Rabbi Moshe Yitzhak Gvirzman, later the first Rebbe of Peshewarsk.
During the Holocaust he stayed in Siberia. After the Holocaust, he returned to Krakow, Poland. Then he moved to Paris, France with his parents,
Then his elder Rabbi Itzikel settled in Antwerp, Belgium