Par Rarity Auction House
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, États-Unis
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LOT 131:

A letter of thanks from Rabbi Don Ungarischer, one of the greatest yeshivot heads in the United States ...

Prix de départ:
$ 200
Commission de la maison de ventes: 22%
TVA: 8.38% On lot's price, no vat on commission

A letter of thanks from Rabbi Don Ungarischer, one of the greatest yeshivot heads in the United States, written to a philanthropist at the end of the year to thank him for his contribution to the "Beit Midrash Elyon"
 Rav Ungarischer, who was born in Vienna, was one of the last links to the bygone world of pre-war Europe and one of the senior American roshei yeshiva of our time.
Rav Ungarischer was a son-in-law of Rav Reuven Grozovsky, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Kamenitz and later Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and Bais Medrash Elyon. Rav Reuven’s shiurim which were compiled in the set of seforim titled Chiddushei Rav Reuven, which have become classic in the yeshiva world and are among the important seforim used with great frequency by bnei yeshiva and roshei yeshiva alike, were edited by Rav Ungarischer.
Rav Ungarischer devoted decades of his life to harbotzas haTorah, leading both the yeshiva in Monsey and the Bais Medrosh Elyon branch in Bnei Brak, which is headed by Rav Don’s son, Rav Yerachmiel Ungarischer. Rav Don was recognized for his unceasing hasmadah and the depth and breadth of his yedios haTorah. He raised generations of talmidim, instilling in them ahavas haTorah and ahavas Hashem.