المزاد 3
بواسطة Prime Judaica
30 9th Street, Lakewood NJ 08701, USA, الولايات المتحدة

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الوحدة 18:

Classic! Five Sections of Sefer Tzela"ch, First Editions!

السعر المبدئي:
$ 1,200
السعر المقدّر :
$1,700 - $2,000
عمولة صالة المزادات: 20%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 8.875% On lot's price, no vat on commission
الكلمات الرمزية:

Classic! Five Sections of Sefer Tzela"ch, First Editions!
Six books (five volumes), first editions of Sefer Tzela"ch [Tziyun Lenefesh Chaya], commentary on the Talmud, by R' Yechezkel Landau, rabbi of Prague, author of the "Noda B'Yehuda".
* Tzela"ch on Tractate Pesachim. Prague, 1784. First edition, first volume. Published during the lifetime of the author.
[2], 123, [1] leaves. Excellent condition. New Binding.
* Tzela"ch on Tractate Berachot. Prague, 1791. First edition, second volume. Printed during the lifetime of the author.
[3], 82 leaves.  Excellent condition. New Binding.
* Tzela"ch on Tractate Beitza. Prague, 1799. First edition, third volume. Printed after the author's death. Excellent condition.
[2] 65 leaves. New Binding.
* Tzela"ch on Tractates Shabbos and Eiruvin, Warsaw 1879, first edition.
Bound together with Tzela"ch on Tractates, Rosh Hashana, Yuma, Sukka, Ta'anis, Chagiga, Megila. Very good condition. New Binding.
Tzela"ch on Seder Kadashim, Warsaw 1897, Good condition, old binding. Second edition.

Very rare to find such a set!