Subasta 73 Jewish and Israeli History, Culture and Art
Por Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOTE 315:

Marc Chagall (1887-1985) – "Fortune and the Young Child" – Etching after La Fontaine's Fables

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$ 700
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11.8.20 en Kedem

Marc Chagall (1887-1985) – "Fortune and the Young Child" – Etching after La Fontaine's Fables
La Fortune et le jeune enfant [Fortune and the Young Child], an etching by marc Chagall (1887-1985) after La Fontaine's Fables.
Signed in pencil: "Marc Chagall / 58".
Etching: 24X29.5 cm (42X33.5 cm leaf). Good condition. Minor stains on the etching. Browning due to matting. Tape on verso.