Antique Firearms, Edged Weapons & Ethno
Por Scollard Auctions
Brea, California, Estados Unidos
Auction featuring a wide variety of antique firearms, edged weapons, armour, antique hats, unique fossils and minerals as well as ethnographic art including pre-Columbian and African pieces.


Stunning Shark Fin Amethyst Geode Cluster

Preço inicial:
$ 1 100
Preço estimado :
$3 000 - $4 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 25% Mais detalhes
IVA: 7.75% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro
7.5.24 em Scollard Auctions

Stunning Shark Fin Amethyst Geode Cluster
Measuring nearly two feet tall, this incredibly preserved amethyst mineral geode cluster is incredibly one of a kind. Dark purple terminating clusters throughout with a window through the middle, arching upwards with a lovely crystal white outline. Size 21 5/8" H x 19 5/8" W
Condition: Wonderful condition throughout.