المزاد 10 Rare Hebrew Books and Manuscripts
بواسطة Royal Auction House
Toms River, الولايات المتحدة
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الوحدة 45:

Sefer Ateres Tzvi – Ziditchov, Lemberg 1834-1841. First Edition. All Three Volumes In One – With Many Handwritten ...

تم البيع مقابل: $4,400
السعر المبدئي:
$ 1,800
السعر المقدّر :
$3,000 - $4,000
عمولة صالة المزادات: 25%
2.6.24 في Royal Auction House
الكلمات الرمزية:

Sefer Ateres Tzvi – Ziditchov, Lemberg 1834-1841. First Edition. All Three Volumes In One – With Many Handwritten Glosses

Sefer Ateres Tzvi, authored by R. Tzvi Hirsch of Ziditchov. First edition, printed in Lemberg-Lviv, 1834-41. This copy contains all three volumes of the first edition bound together during the 19th century, most likely after the period of the printing. 

Ateres Tzvi is a monumental work on the Zohar which was authored by R. Tzvi Hirsch Eichenstein (1763-1831), who was the founder of the Ziditchov Chasidic dynasty. He was known as one of the greatest Chasidic Rebbes during his day, and was a disciple of the Maggid of Kozhnitz, R. Moshe Leib Sassover, the Chozeh of Lublin and R. Menachem Mendel of Riminov. A further testament to his greatness were the students whom he produced, each becoming great leaders in their own right, among them: R. Eizik of Komarna and R. Shalom of Kaminka.

This copy is replete with tens and tens of marginal glosses, a phenomenon rarely seen in Kabbalistic or Chassidic works. Truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the seasoned collector of Sifrei Chassidus. The glosses span throughout all three volumes, and are written by the same individual. 

Although we have not succeeded in identifying the writer of these glosses, it is clear that they were written by a person of great stature with extensive knowledge in Kabbalah, Midrashim and Gemara. Interestingly, the writer sometimes refers to the author as “Maran Hakadosh” – our great Holy master, but nonetheless takes issue with many topics discussed within. See pp. 8 of volume II for example, where he writes: “With all due respect to his holy honor, I am astounded at his question, for it is a well-known fact…”. In another instance, the writer expounds on the concept of each and every individual’s portion of Torah, by which he concludes: “As I have explained at length somewhere else”. Please refer to the Hebrew description for an exact quote. 

In overall good condition, printed on thick, high-quality paper. Volume II is printed entirely on blue paper. Bound in a magnificent new binding. Minor marginal repairs to some pages, not affecting text. A small abrasion to text can be seen on pp. 1 of volume I; a small open tear seen on pp. 86, affecting just a few words of text. Minor marginal paper repairs to title page of volume II, with no loss of text. Like most copies, the title page of volume III is lacking. 

Page size: 22cm.

[1], 152, [1], 54, 1-50 pp.