Leilão 35
Por Raskolnikov Gallery
Санкт-Петербург, Rússia
Михаил Аникушин, Петр Альберти, Сергей Бабков, Александр Бихтер, Вениамин Боголюбов и Владимир Ингал, Виктор Васин,   Константин Вещилов, Александр Задорин, Арон Зинштейн, Алексей Кривцов, Валерий Лукка, Вячеслав Михайлов, Хамид Савкуев, Маша Трегубенко,   Эмиль Гале [Emile Gallé] Дельфин Массие [Delphin-Massier], Пьер-Жюль Мене [Pierre-Jules Mene], Эмиль Луи Пико [E.Picault], Виктор Руссо [Victor Rousseau], Пьер Тургеньев [P.Tourgueneff], Josef Wind [Жозеф Винд], Федор Крушельницкий, Перикл Ксидиас, Олег Ломакин, Александр Парамонов, Юрий Подляский, Николай Прокопенко, Виктор Прошкин, Виктор Рейхет, Валентина Савельева, Лев Солодков,   Виктор Сонин, Николай Тимков, Олег Целков, Альберт Чаркин,   Андрей Яковлев, Виктор Ямщиков.
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[2024] Alexey Krivtsov. Brigitte's Day, 2024, 1/50, 60x60 cm. The print is rolled on Kapafix 10 mm foam board. ...

Preço inicial:
55 000 p
Comissão da leiloeira: 17% Mais detalhes
identificações: Fotos Quadros

[2024] Alexey Krivtsov. Brigitte's Day, 2024, 1/50, 60x60 cm. The print is rolled on Kapafix 10 mm foam board. Limited Author's Photography on professional equipment Durst Theta 76 on high-quality Fine Art photo paper. The photograph is numbered and signed by the author.
Alexey Krivtsov (1966).
Diploma winner of the international competition of professional photographers IPA 2007 International Photography Awards (Los Angeles, US).
Multiple winner of the largest professional photo competition TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT (Austria).
Gold medal in the nomination "NUDE". 2011
Gold medal in the nomination "MUSIC AND DANCE". 2013
Silver medal in the nomination "Colour Slides & Digital Images General". 2013
Winner of the Russian competition "Best Photos of Russia. 2014" in the nomination "STYLE".
"Best Photos of Russia. 2016" in the nomination "STYLE".
Absolute winner of the international ballet photography competition ANNA PAVLOVA BALLET PHOTO CONTEST 2017.
Works are in the collections of:
State Russian Museum (Saint Petersburg), collection of the Romanov Art Gallery (Krasnoyarsk), collection of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Saint Petersburg), collection of St. Thomas' Hospital (London, UK), collection of the exhibition center of the Union of Photo Artists of Lithuania, private collections in Russia, Kazakhstan, France, USA, Latvia, Spain, Great Britain, Brazil, Poland, Austria, Germany, Argentina, the Netherlands.