Asta 30 Antique Auction! Rare and Unique Items
Da Rarity Auction House
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, Stati Uniti

“And I pray… Hashem Yisborach should heal you completely and speedily” - Letter of Warm Blessing & Wishes for a Speedy Recovery by Rabbi Yeshaya’le of Kerestir

Author's autograph: A complete treatise on the Torah in Handwritten by the 'Itur Bikkurim'. Not printed.

Bombshell! Handwritten Tena'im, of the Rabbi Gedaliah Tiktin Abd Breslau, signed by the chosson and kallah and Mechitunim. Landsberg, 1829

A collection of three Hasidic-historical documents, very special and very important, dealing with the holding of the Rebbe of Rozin on the traditional lighting Lag BaOmer on the roof of Zion Harshabi in Meron. Jerusalem, 1951-1952 [1951-1952 ].

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Tziluta D’Avraham, First Edition Edited by the ‘Arvei Nachal’ with his Novellae [Sodilkov] 1821.

Venduto per: $200
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 200
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%

Tziluta D’Avraham, First Edition Edited by the ‘Arvei Nachal’ with his Novellae [Sodilkov] 1821.
Sefer Tziluta D’Avraham , also called Chiddushei Maharam”a . Novellae on most Talmudic tractates by Rabbi Moshe Avraham Abush Margaliot, av beit din of Zhabno, brother and teacher of the gaon Rabbi Meir Margaliot, av beit din of Ostroh, author of Meir Netivim . [Sudylkiv, 1811 – but should be 1821.]

The book was edited by his disciple, the sacred gaon Rabbi David Shlomo Eibeschutz, author of Arvei Nachal and Levushei Srad . His novellae are scattered along the sefer , and its introduction speaks very highly of him. This Rabbi David married the author’s granddaughter.

With an approbation by his nephew, Rabbi Betzalel Margaliot, av beit din of Ostroh; Rabbi Mordechai Margaliot of Brody; and Rabbi Moshe HaLevi Horowitz av beit din of Volochysk, author of Sefer Emek HaShedim . The latter writes in his approbation “I recall that they would say that this sefer is deep like the Mahara”m Schiff, and I looked into some compilations and saw that it is very deep …”

Over the years, it has been accepted that the book was printed in Ostroh, but the renowned Chaba”d bibliographer R’ Chaim Lieberman proved that it was printed in Sudylkiv. ( Ohel Rache”l Part I, p. 459-460).