Vente 24 The 'RESERVE' sale! Rare and special items!
Par Rarity Auction House
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, États-Unis

Complete issue 13 pages "Dini Sfek Sfika" in the author's handwriting - The "Arvei Nachall"

There is nothing like it! The Shlachan Aruch of Hagaon Harav Efraim Zalman Margalios with more than 200 handwritten glosses

Holiness and majesty! For the first time on Auctions! Chomash and Siddur that belonged to Rabbi Yitzchak Tovia Rubin of Sanz, the son-in-law of Rabbi Chaim of Sanz

Extremely Historic! Long letter in the original handwriting and Signed of Rabbi Mordechai Benet - Adar 1826 Niklesburg - about the appointment of a rabbi

A three-page letter from Rabbi Chaim of Liska on behalf of his father-in-law Rabbi Zvi Hirsch of Liska to Rabbi Shlomo Gantzfried - to justify the opinion of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Kamerna 

Talmud Tractate Sotah - Historic Edition Lublin 1619 - Extremely Rare

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LOT 93:

Collection of Books by the Hafla – Sefer Haflaah, Lviv 1818. Signed by the Gaon R. Yosef Zechariah Stern

Vendu pour: $400
Prix de départ:
$ 400
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%

Collection of Books by the Hafla – Sefer Haflaah, Lviv 1818. Signed by the Gaon R. Yosef Zechariah Stern
הפלאה, ספר כתובה, על מסכת כתובות. לבוב, דפוס Herz Grossman, [תקע"ו] 1816. מהדורה שניה.

הפלאה, ספר המקנה, על מסכת קידושין. לבוב, דפוס Buchdruckerey Grossmanischeu, תקע"ח [1818]. מהדורה שניה.

הפלאה, ספר המקנה, על מסכת קידושין. סדילקאב, I. Madfis, תקצ"ה 1835. מהדורה שלישית [בהדפסת מהדורת סדילקוב היה מעורב המו"ל רבי חנינא ליפא שפירא, נכד הרב מסלאוויטא ומייסד הדפוס בז'יטומיר, אולם שמו נזכר רק בשער ספר כתובה שנדפס בסדילקוב בשנת תקצ"ג].

כרוך עם שני ספרים נוספים:

ספר מחנה לוי, מאת רבי צבי הירש, בנו וממלא מקומו של בעל ה"הפלאה". [סדילקוב], חסר שם מדפיס, [תקצ"ו] 1835. מהדורה שניה.

ספר נתיבות לשבת, חידושים על אבן העזר מאת ה"הפלאה". לבוב, דפוס יהודא ליב באלבאן, [תקצ"ח] 1837. מהדורה ראשונה. חתימות וחותמות של רבי שמואל ברוך ורנר, ראב"ד בתל אביב.

Nesivos L'Shabbos: novellae on Shulchan Aruch Even Ha'ezer (addendum to sefer Sheves Achim, published at the end of Hafla'ah, which he co-authored with his brother, Rabbi Shmelka of Nikolsberg.)
Stefansky, Chassidus No. 398

R. Yosef Zechariah Stern (1839-1904), was one of the leading rabbinical leaders of his generation and author of many highly acclaimed works. His seforim, which encompass a wide spectrum of Torah subjects, are renowned for their great erudition and reveal some of the breadth of his encyclopedic knowledge. Additionally, his opinion on complex halachic issues was much sought after, and many of his responsa are printed in his multi-volume Zecher Yehosef.
In his first published work Zecher Yehosef on the Shas, which was published when R. Yosef Zechariah was 20 years old, R. Yaakov Gesundheit of Warsaw writes in his approbation, “HaRav Hama’or Ha’Gaon Ha’Gadol Ha’Charif U’Baki Ha’Mefursam R. Yosef Zecharia Stern of Lita came before me and showed me his manuscript… and I stood there astonished and trembling at the extent of his incisive encyclopedic knowledge of Talmud Bavli, Yerushalmi, Tosefta, with all the Tshuvos, Poskim and Meforshim….”