וּמִשָׁם יִמָשֵׁךְ לָנוּ שֶׁפָע לְנֶפֶשׁ רוּחַ וּנְשָׁמָה! ה'תהלים' האישי של הגאון הקדוש רבי חיים האלבערשטאם בעל 'דברי חיים' מצאנז - הפריט הכי קדוש וטהור מבית מייסד שושלת צאנז!
גדולי החסידות
גדולי ליטא
גדולי ספרד
גדולי רבני אוגארן
החתם סופר ותלמידיו
10 Page Manuscript written entirely in the hand of the exalted gaon Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim - the ...
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10 Page Manuscript written entirely in the hand of the exalted gaon Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim - the Adere"t, Av Beit Din of Ponovezh, Mir and Jerusalem - On the Sefer Nezirot Shimshon
R. Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim – the Aderet (1845-1905), was the rabbi of Ponevezh, Mir and Jerusalem. He was renowned from his childhood for his love of Torah and diligent Torah study, for his righteousness and refined character traits. A brilliant Torah scholar, he left behind more than 100 manuscript works, most of which were never printed. His son-in-law was R. Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, chief rabbi of Eretz Israel