אוסף מיוחד של ספרי תהלים
ספרי סלאוויטא וזיטאמיר
ספרי חסידות - יקרי המציאות
ЛОТ 106:
Rare! with Asterisks Like in Noam Elimelech Printed by the Same Printer, Rabbi Shlomo Yarish
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Rare! with Asterisks Like in Noam Elimelech Printed by the Same Printer, Rabbi Shlomo Yarish
נדיר! מהרש"א - נדפס בבית הדפוס של רבי שלמה יאריש - שנת תקמ"ו - עם "כוכביות" כמו בספר "נועם אלימלך" שנדפס באותו דפוס
This book was published in the printing firm of R. Shlomo Yarish (Rappoport), who notably printed the Noam Elimelech in 1788. Reputedly, its workers were holy men, amongst the 36 hidden tzaddikim of the generation (see: R. B. Landau, R. Elimelech MiLizhensk, Jerusalem, 1963, p. 311, who quotes an oral tradition [in the name of R. Moshe Halberstam], on the unique qualities of R. Shlomo Yarish's edition of the Noam Elimelech, which "was printed by G-d fearing workers, who worked in sanctity and purity, and some were amongst the 36 hidden Tzaddikim upon whom the world stands").
This book also includes the famous asterisks, just like the Noam Elimelech which R. Shlomo Yarish printed approximately a year later. Chassidic tradition ascribes great importance to these asterisks. The researcher R. Chaim Lieberman relates to these asterisks in his article on the first edition of Noam Elimelech (Ohel Rachel, I, New York, 1980, p. 63): "Polish Chassidim name this edition 'the Noam Elimelech with asterisks', and they hold it in extremely high regard, since they attribute hidden meaning and allusions to these asterisks…". Hadrat Kodesh, biography of R. Avraham Yehoshua Freund (rabbi of Năsăud; Jerusalem 1960, p. 47) states in his name: "He attested that there is hidden meaning in the asterisks printed in the first edition of Noam Elimelech; reputedly, Elazar (son of the Noam Elimelech) experienced revelations from Eliyahu as he was writing, and he marked those places with an asterisk, and they also say that the first printers and typesetters were amongst the 36 hidden Tzaddikim…". As mentioned, this book also features asterisks, as do other books printed by R. Shlomo Yarish (see article by Chaim Lieberman).