The Sale contains 1383 lots and represents the property of 29 owners.
Among the highlights are:
- Over 160 lots related to Worldwide Air Post, including Zeppelin Postal History Collection, representing various origin countries;
- Beautiful selection of US and Canada classic stamps and modern errors;
- Numerous country collections of British and Portuguese Colonies;
- Valuable French, German, Greenland, Italian, Liechtenstein and Monaco lots;
- Comprehensive Russian material, including Fiscal stamps, Wenden and Locals of the Civil War;
- Outstanding Ukrainian single and large lots from renowned Collections of John Bulat, Dr. Seichter and Dr. Zelonka; modern imperforates and varieties.
LOTTO 732:
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Venduto per: $150
Prezzo iniziale:
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 15%
Altri dettagli
JEWISH NATIONAL FUND/KEREN KAYEMET LE ISRAEL (JNF/KKL): 1943, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 10s blue, three examples in blue and very dark blue, one with partial offset of the design on reverse, the text reads: ''Revolt of the Warsaw Ghetto 19 April 1943 - 14 Nissan 5713'', full OG, NH (first one with small disturbance), VF and rare trio, Est. $300- $400