Sefer Choker Umekubal by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, Shklow [1785]. First Edition.
A polemic book in which the reader can find explanations on the foundations of Rabbeinu the Ari's Kabbalah.
Ramchal, in his genius, chose to emphasize these explanations in the form of questions and answers. The questions and claims against Kabbalah he put in the mouth of the Choker (scholar) and the answers, in that of the Mekubal (Kabbalist). The scholar was apparently influenced by the opposers of Kabbalah and the Mekubal tastefully answers his questions. This form of discussion and the way it is written resembles another polemic book that was written approx. 600 years earlier – the classic book by Rabbi Yehuda Halevi – The Kuzari.
A small fascinating book. An original work by the Ramchal, who unfortunately did not merit seeing it being published.
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto: Rav, scholar, Paytan and Mekubal. Famed as the author of the Mussar book Mesilat Yesharim.
Passed away young, at the age of forty, in 1747, shortly after he immigrated to Eretz Yisrael.
Shklow, [1785]. The Press of Zvi Hirsch ben Aryeh Leib and Shmuel ben Yissachar Ber.
Pages: 27 leaves.
Size: 18.5 cm
Condition: Moderate condition, some worming, no binding.