Аукцион 21 Ancient Rare Seforim, Rabbinical letters and Manuscripts
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ЛОТ 196:

Check of R. Yoel Teitelbaum-Satmar. R. Henkin. New York 1946.

Check sent by Ezras ...

Стартовая цена:
$ 600
Комиссия аукционного дома: 25%
Аукцион проходил 18.12.23 в Prime Judaica

Check of R. Yoel Teitelbaum-Satmar. R. Henkin. New York 1946.

Check sent by Ezras Torah. 

Check for $300 sent by R. Yosef Eliyahu Henkin of the Ezras Torah to the Satmar Rav while he was in Eretz Yisroel. With a written inscription by R. Henkin that the check is on behalf of “The Satmar Rav now in Eretz Yisroel by request of Mr. Moskowitz” With the signatures of both R. Henkin and R. Chaim Bloch.

Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum (1887-1979), was a son of R. Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum (Kedushas Yom Tov), and grandson of R. Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum (Yetev Lev). He was renowned from his youth as an exceptional Talmid Chochom, in addition to his holiness, outstanding purity, perspicacity and intellectual capacity.
After his marriage to the daughter of R. Avrahom Chaim Horowitz of Polaniec, he settled in Satmar and taught Torah and Chassidus to an elite group of talmidim. He later served as Rav of Orshiva, Krule and from 1934 Satmar. In all these kehillos he distinguished himself, not only as a great rabbinical leader but also as a Rebbe and Rosh Yeshiva.
He survived the Holocaust via Bergen Belsen and then travelled to Eretz Yisroel via Switzerland. In 1946, he immigrated to America settling in Williamsburg. In New York, he reestablished his Kehillo from a small group of survivors, to the largest Chassidic Kehillo in the world, the Satmar Chassidus.
He was a leading opponent of Zionism and of the founding of the State of Israel, and zealously led crucial battles for the preservation of the unique character of the Jewish people and its holiness, fearful for the honor of the Torah and the future of orthodox Jewry. In addition, he was renowned as exceptionally charitable and his door was open to the poor and his ear attentive to the needy from every stream of the Jewish people. An outstanding Talmid Chochom, he responded to many halachic queries, and his writings were published in dozens of seforim including V’Yoel Moshe, Responsa Divrei Yoel and Divrei Yoel on the Torah.

Size: 21.5 by 7.5 cm.
Condition: Very fine condition.