المزاد 3
بواسطة Prime Judaica
30 9th Street, Lakewood NJ 08701, USA, الولايات المتحدة
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الوحدة 19:

דרכי נעם. ונציה. תנ"ז [1697]. צורת בית המקדש. פולמוס.

تم البيع مقابل: $220
السعر المبدئي:
$ 200
السعر المقدّر :
$300 - $400
عمولة صالة المزادات: 20%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 8.875% على سعر الوحدة، لا توجد ضريبة على العمولة
20.10.20 في Prime Judaica
الكلمات الرمزية:

דרכי נעם. ונציה. תנ"ז [1697]. צורת בית המקדש. פולמוס.
Darkei No'am responsa, Rabbi Mordechai HaLevi Av Beit Din in Egypt. With a pamphlet written by his son Rabbi Avraham HaLevi. Venice, 1697. First edition. Bragadin printing.
On behind of title page is an illustration of Tzurat HaBayit.
Includes owners and signature of R' Shaul Moshe Zilberman of Vershiov.
R' Shaul Moshe Zilberman of Vershiov (1852- 1939) was one of the most renowned scholars in Poland prior to the Holocaust as well as a prominent Gerrer Chasid. Towards the end of his life he emigrated to Eretz Yisrael and settling in Tel Aviv. R. Pinchos Menachem Alter of Ger (Pnei Menachem) was married to his granddaughter.

Size: 29 cm.
Pages: 282, 41.
Condition: Very fine condition, stains.