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Pekudas Elazar, Rabbi Elazar Low, Satmar, 1931. Only Edition

Venduto per: $35
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$ 30
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Pekudas Elazar, Rabbi Elazar Low, Satmar, 1931. Only Edition
Pekudas Elazar by Rabbi Elazar Loew. Satmar, [1931]. Only Edition
Pekudas Elazar. Work on the sugyot of the Talmud and responsa by Rabbi Elazar Loew. Satmar,

Stamps of Rabbi Moshe Stern and Rabbi Refael Stern of Ungvar.

Rabbi Elazar Low was the Rabbi of Ujhely and Ungvar. He had royal lineage, traced back to Rashi. Refer to Kinstlicher, "HaChatam Sofer V'Talmidav". Many of the Kisav Sofer's talmidim also studied by Rabbi Elazar Low and his father, Rabbi Yirmiya Loew. The book was published by his son, Rabbi Binyomin Zeev Low. In a lengthy introduction, he details the author's biography and information about his family.

Pages: 10, 196.
Size: 33 cm.
Condition: Fine condition, damage on spine.