المزاد 8 الجزء 1
بواسطة Moscow trading
Москва, улица Краснопрудная 7/9, روسيا
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الوحدة 7:

Histoire de l’Empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. Par Voltaire. Rarity! 1816 - History of the Russian Empire ...

السعر المبدئي:
10,000 p
عمولة صالة المزادات: 15% مزيد من التفاصيل
29.8.23 في Moscow trading
الكلمات الرمزية: كتب

Histoire de l’Empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. Par Voltaire. Rarity! 1816 - History of the Russian Empire during the reign of Peter the Great French edition Histoire de l'Empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand。 伏尔泰。 稀有! 1816 - 彼得大帝时期俄罗斯帝国的历史法语版

"History of the Russian Empire during the reign of Peter the Great. Paris. 1816" Voltaire (Historie de L’ Empire de Russie par Voltaire).

The book is the first serious monograph on the history of Russia during the reign of Peter the Great. The work was commissioned by Peter's daughter Elizabeth, and was in the works for 7 years (1756-1763). Voltaire's history of the Tsar Peter the Great paints him as a genuine enlightened despot, who brought civilization to a barbaric empire and created a solid Enlightenment society. This edition takes its text mainly from the last edition that Voltaire personally supervised, the 1775 edition, and contains appropriate notes, detailed edition comparisons, a glossary, and twelve appendices, including Voltaire's letters regarding the composition of the work and the critical response it received. This superb edition provides the first opportunity to appreciate all the elements of Voltaire's complex relationship with the idea of the Tzar Peter.

22 х 13.7 х 2.3 сm.

Good preservation, there is foxing. Language - French!

“彼得大帝时期俄罗斯帝国的历史。巴黎。1816 年”伏尔泰 (Historie de L' Empire de Russie par Voltaire)。

该书是彼得一世统治时期第一部严肃的俄罗斯历史专着,受彼得之女伊丽莎白委托创作,历时7年(175 6-1763)。伏尔泰的故事描绘了沙皇彼得大帝他是一位真正开明的君主,将文明带入野蛮帝国,并创造了强 大的启蒙社会。 此版本的文本主要取自伏尔泰亲自监督的最后一个版本,即 1775 年版本,并包含相关注释、版本的详细比较、词汇表和十二个附录,包括伏尔泰关于作品构成和批评回应的信件它 收到了。 这一出色的版本使人们有可能第一次领略到伏尔泰与沙皇彼得的思想之间复杂关系的所有要素。

22 x 13.7 x 2.3 厘米。

保存较好,有黄斑。 语言是法语!