المزاد 8 الجزء 1
بواسطة Moscow trading
Москва, улица Краснопрудная 7/9, روسيا
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الوحدة 23:

Uspensky G. Writings of Gleb Uspensky. In two volumes. 3rd edition. With a portrait of the author and an ...

السعر المبدئي:
3,000 p
عمولة صالة المزادات: 15% مزيد من التفاصيل
29.8.23 في Moscow trading
الكلمات الرمزية: كتب

Uspensky G. Writings of Gleb Uspensky. In two volumes. 3rd edition. With a portrait of the author and an introductory article of N. Mikhaylovsky 科尔别列茨基。格列布-乌斯片斯基作品。分为两卷。第三版。附作者画像和米海洛夫斯基介绍文章
SPB. Edition of F. Pavlenkov 1889. Printing house of J.N. Ehrlich. Semi-leather binding of the epoch with golden tooling by the backbone.
Lifetime edition of the writings by Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky (1843-1902), who was one of the most famous and popular Russian writers of the second half of XIX c.; in his works, he described the incredible spiritual squalor of both the urban population and the peasantry, the violent struggle over a piece of bread, the petty squabbles and quarrels, and worst of all from his point of view was that he did not find in these oppressed people any attempts at protest and struggle.
Condition of the volumes is very good, in the first volume the frontispiece and the title page are falling out. There is a seal of the first owner.(STEFANSKY Vyacheslav Karlovich (1867 —1949) is a Soviet infectious disease doctor and microbiologist, author of about 60 scientific works, mainly on the diagnosis and treatment of plague, cholera, lepra, diphtheria, dysentery, and scarlet fever. His work on the treatment of the plague was recognized worldwide).

圣彼得堡。帕夫连科夫的出版品,1889 埃尔利赫的字体设计。那个时代的半皮装订,书脊上有烫金。格列布-乌斯片斯基(1843-1902)作品终 生版,他是 19 世纪下半叶最著名和最受欢迎的俄罗斯作家之一;在他的作品中,他描述了城市居民和农民令人难以置信的精神丑 陋,为一块面包而进行的激烈斗争,琐碎的争吵和争吵。 但他认为,最糟糕的是,这些被压垮的人没有任何抗议和抗争的企图。
这些卷的状况非常好,第一卷的卷首插画和扉页都稍微从里面出来。 有第一任业主的印章。斯捷凡斯基-维亚切斯拉夫(1867-1949)-苏联传染病专家和微生物学家,撰写 了大约60篇关于鼠疫,霍乱,麻风病,白喉,痢疾和猩红热的临床和治疗的科学论文。他在治疗鼠疫方面的工作 得到了全世界的认可。