Vente 13 Partie 1 Auction #13: From the Shoah to Israel's Independence: a meaningful and important catalog.
Par MDLD Auction House
3 HaTa'asiyah St. 3rd floor. Industrial area, Ra'anana, Israël

We are marking Mi'Dor L'Dor (MDLD)'s year and a half anniversary with a truly meaningful and important catalog, full of rare and fascinating historical items, mostly documents.  

La vente est terminée

LOT 16:

Betar - Trumpeldor - Revisionists lot:

Vendu pour: $80
Prix de départ:
$ 80
Commission de la maison de ventes: 20% Plus de détails
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
Les utilisateurs venant de pays étrangers peuvent être exempts de payer des taxes, selon les réglementations de taxation correspondantes
8.3.20 à MDLD Auction House

Betar - Trumpeldor - Revisionists lot:
1. 3 Betar newspapers, 1932. (1, 2, 3, 4)
front page is missing on the first one .
2. Recruitment of fighters "if we don't fight, we'll be destroyed!" stamp on paper sheet.
3. Betar identification card from Germany, 1947. Stamp of Jabotinsky and signatures of officers.(half of the card)
4. amazing Poster for parents, teachers and students from 1948. Anti foreign rule.
5.3 different protocols of the Revisionists in London, 1932(document valid for research)
6. Harcos Judea - bulletin in Hungarian.
7. Hatzohar (HaTzionim HaRevizionistim; the Zionist Revisionists), Jerusalem
8. BESSAAR youth  JOURNAL 1949 (moth signs)
9. Betar 1933 book. Edited by Professor Joseph Klausner first edition.
10. certificate of  ETZEL  soldiers in Eretz Israel "Ot Chativat HaGole"
11. Document: Agudat Chavat HaNoar (Betar), Joanna Jabotinsky. With signature of Shlomo Ariav.
12. Book, Etzel (Irgun). Edited by David Niv. 1976.
13. 6 memorabilia philatelics.