Fine antique Judaica
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الوحدة 002:MaBI”T:

First Edition. Venice 1629

تم البيع مقابل: $750
السعر المبدئي:
$ 750
عمولة صالة المزادات: 20%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 8.875% على العمولة فقط
6.3.18 في Legacy Judaica
الكلمات الرمزية:

First Edition. Venice 1629
Halachic responsa of R. Moshe of Trani (MaBI”T).
R. Moshe of Trani (died 1580) was from a distinguished rabbinical family, a descendant of R. Yeshaya Trani. He immigrated to Eretz Yisroel settling in Tzefas where he was a disciple of R. Yaakov Bi’Rav together with the Bais Yosef. During the attempt to reinstitute Semicha he was amongst the individuals granted Semicha by R. Yaakov Bi’Rav. He responded to Halachic queries from across the globe which are printed in Teshuvos MaBiT. He was on the Bais Din in Tzefas together with the Bais Yosef and following the latter’s petiro he succeeded him as Av Bais Din. Additionally he authored the Kiryas Sefer on the RaMBaM and the Bais Elokim.
With signature of R. Aviezri Zelig Pulitz, son of R. Gershon Pulitz Rosh Bais Din in Nikolsburg.
Vinograd Venice 1187. Kalioni Press. Part I: 2, 169, 7 pages. Part II: 198 pages. 29 cm. (Volume II, title page facsimile, lacking indices). Fine condition, minor restoration to last pages. Antique leather binding.
Opening bid $750