拍卖会 8 Judaica
Estreia 978 River Ave Lakewood NJ 08701, 美国

拍卖品 22:

Shu"t R. Yaakov L’Bais HaLevi. Gift from the author! Rare first edition. Venice 1614. Copy given by the author to ...

售出价为: $1,400
$ 800
拍卖行佣金: 22%
增值税: 8.875% 仅对佣金收取
13.9.20于 Legacy Judaica

Shu"t R. Yaakov L’Bais HaLevi. Gift from the author! Rare first edition. Venice 1614. Copy given by the author to R. Moshe Cohen Porto.
Important sefer of Halachic responsa by R. Yaakov L’Bais HaLevi. On the title page it states that “the aforementioned Chacham gave me this sefer as a gift…Moshe Cohen Porto.” In his inscription R. Moshe Cohen Porto writes a few lines about the sefer and about the author. This is possibly R. Moshe Cohen Porto (died 1624) author of the sefer Palgei Mayim (Venice 1608) on the well-known controversy concerning the Mikvah in Rovigo.
R. Yaakov L’Bais HaLevy (1565-1636), was born in Greece and lived in Italy where he was one of the most distinguished rabbinical figures of his period, although he declined to assume a formal position. He was imprisoned and exiled to the Island of Malta. Following his release he lived in Venice where he led a Yeshiva. His most prominent talmid was R. Ezra Figo (1579-1647) author of the Gidulei Terumah and Binah L’Ittim.
Additional library stamp (and possibly signature) of R. Yaakov Dovid Biderman.
R. Yaakov Dovid Biderman (1808-1863) was one of the most eminent Talmidim of R. Mendel of Kotzk. He served as Rav of Visohgrad. Known as tremendous Talmid Chochom, he authored the Hagaos MaHaRID on the Sifra.
Vinograd Venice 1079. Chauvin press. [7], 191 pages. 19.5 cm. Very fine-excellent condition. Some wear and staining. Antique vellum binding.
Opening bid $800
