LOTTO 828:
1976 Biccentenial Replica of America’s First Medals Pewter Series. Revolutionary Medal of Major
Prezzo iniziale:
Prezzo stimato :
$25 - $100
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 18%
1976 Biccentenial Replica of America’s First Medals Pewter Series. Revolutionary Medal of Major
1976 Biccentenial Replica of America’s First Medals Pewter Series. Revolutionary Medal of Major Henry Lee. The Fifth Medal of the Ten-piece series.. The ten-medal series, part of the Treasury Department’s Bicentennial program, consists of 1-1/2? pewter reissues of the first medals voted by the Continental Congress to honor the bold commanders and successful Revolutionary War battles that won for a new nation its freedom and independence. Major Henry (“Light Horse Harry”) Lee, who was granted a gold medal for his daring pre-dawn assault in 1779 “with a handful of men” at Paulus Hook, a British occupied fort in what is now Jersey City, New Jersey. He captured 158 prisoners and safely retreated after the successful completion of his mission. Designed by Joseph Wright, the first engraver of the United States Mint. Come in original mint packaging with an informational pamphlet.