Subasta 8 Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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LOTE 22:

Synagogue "Silence" Sign in the Shape of a Hand-Palm

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2.2.10 en Kedem

Synagogue "Silence" Sign in the Shape of a Hand-Palm
Wooden, painted and carved hand-palm. East Europe, the 19th century?
Open hand-palm made of carved wood, a Maggen David is drawn in the center. The palm was used as a signal in synagogue to ask for silence. Known are similar palms with the writing "No talking during prayer". [See Tractate Sukkah leaf 51 B', concerning the Alexandria Synagogue where shawls have been waved for the public to say Amen when the cantor had said the blessings].
Maximum size: 31.5 X 12.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Patina, slights stains and slightly peeling paint.