Asta 22 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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HaBniya VeHaTavnit – Illustration Plates and Architectural Plans for the Building of Etz-Chaim Yeshiva

Venduto per: $200
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$ 200
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8.5.12 in Kedem

HaBniya VeHaTavnit – Illustration Plates and Architectural Plans for the Building of Etz-Chaim Yeshiva
"Sefer HaBniya VeHaTavnit". Plans for the building of Etz-Chaim Yeshiva. Jerusalem, [1909].
Printed booklet, with colorful illustration plates and architectural sketches. Detailed plans for the large building of Etz-Chaim Yeshiva on Jaffa Street. Includes recommendations of rabbis of Jerusalem, Russian consul and American consul of Israel, as well as physicians from Jerusalem. Hebrew and German.
Printed cover. 18; 12 pages (additional title page in German) + 4 folding plates. 19 cm. (maximal size of plate: 47X39 cm.). Good condition. Tears on printed cover.