Subasta 24 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Por Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOTE 20:

"Eretz Israel Album" – New-York, Early 20th Century

Vendido por: $250
Precio inicial:
$ 250
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
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12.6.12 en Kedem

"Eretz Israel Album" – New-York, Early 20th Century
Eretz Israel album, fotografishe bilder fun Eretz Israel und ihre kolonyes, oykh bilder fun der yiddisher geshikhte berihmte mener und fun yudishen leben, mit beshraybungen. Brooklyn, New-York: Hebrew Publishing Company, [early 20th cent.]. Yiddish.
Souvenir-album with printed "Shana Tovah" greetings and tens of picture-plates of Eretz Israel settlements, rabbis, Jewish customs, leaders, writers and poets, etc. An extra title page in German. [96] Leaves, 14X11.5 cm. Good condition. Loose binding. Stains. Part of front Forzats leaf is missing.