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Kli HaRo'im (Dynów) / Arba'ah Charashim with Tzetil Katan - First Editions - Many Signatures of Rabbi Zvi ...

Venduto per: $3 200
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$ 1 000
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15.11.16 in Kedem

Kli HaRo'im (Dynów) / Arba'ah Charashim with Tzetil Katan - First Editions - Many Signatures of Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapira, Son of the Dynów Rebbe
Three Chassidic and Kabbalistic books bound together:
· Kli HaRo'im, on the book of Ovadya, conduct and compilations. By Rebbe Zvi Elimelech of Dynów. [Lemberg, 1848. First edition].
· Mesillot Chochma, introduction to the Arizal's kabbalah by Rabbi Meir Poppers, with the Ilan HaKadosh commentary of the Maharshal and ways of conduct from the book Totzot Chaim. [Poland-Russia, c. 1830-1850].
· Arba'a Charashim, Chassidic homilies, by Rabbi Aryeh Leib of Łańcut, with "holy ways of conduct" by Rabbi Elimelech of Leżajsk (Lizhensk) "who named them Tzetil Katan". With Ma'amar Shabatot Hashem (second part of Asarah Ma'amarot) by the Rama of Pano, [Lemberg, 1849. First edition, also first edition of the Tzetil Katan of Rabbi Elimelech of Leżajsk author of No'am Elimelech. Printed at the end: "All of this, I have found in a manuscript". Since then, numerous editions of this composition have been printed]. Stefansky Chassidut, no. 64.
On the leaves are many ink and penciled signatures of Rebbe "Zvi Elimelech Shapira", "Z.A.S." who in one place signed "Son of the holy pure rabbi Av Beit Din of Dynów". [Possibly, these are the signatures of Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapira of Blozhov, son of the "Holy pure Rabbi" David "Av Beit Din of Dynów"]. Additional signatures of Rabbi "Avraham Chaim Yitzchak - of Ropczyce".
The Blozhov Rebbe Zvi Elimelech Shapira (1841-1924), senior Galician rebbe. Son of R. David of Dynów, author of Tzemach David and grandson of the author of Bnei Yissachar [author of the book Kli HaRo'im]. Son-in-law of R. Moshe Horwitz of Rozwadów grandson of R. Naftali of Ropczyce. From a young age, he was renowned for his spectacular knowledge of the revealed Torah but less known is the fact that he also mastered the difficult Kabbalistic book Brit Kehunat Olam and others. He was a close disciple of R. Chaim of Sanz, author of Divrei Chaim. At the age of 28, he served as Rabbi of Rybotycze and traveled to greet his teacher, author of Divrei Chaim who received him with royal honor and sat him at the head of the table. In the middle of the meal, the Divrei Chaim honored R. Zvi Elimelech and requested that he deliver a Torah discourse. Of course, R. Zvi Elimelech declined to speak in the presence of his revered rebbe and teacher. Upon his leaving, R. Chaim of Sanz accompanied R. Zvi Elimelech until the street and requested that his disciple pray for him (Encyclopedia L'Chassidut, Vol. 3 p. 582). In 1874, he was appointed Rebbe and most of his life he served in the Blozhov rabbinate. One of his first Chassidim was R. Shalom Mordechai HaCohen the Maharsham Rabbi of Berezhany. R. Aharon Roth, author of Shomer Emunin was also counted among his close disciples and was encouraged by R. Zvi Elimelech to establish a Chassidic court although he was not from a family of rebbes. After WWI, he served as Rebbe of Przemyśl and Rzeszów. His Torah teachings were printed in the Zvi LaTsaddik series, halachic responsa and Chassidic homilies on the Torah. Some were printed from manuscripts after the Holocaust by his grandson Rebbe Yisrael Shapira of Blozhov.
15 leaves; 20 leaves; [4], 20 leaves. 18 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Ancient, slightly worn binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 242; no. 64.