Asta 55b Part II - Bruno Kirschner's Medal Collection and other Numismatic Items
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LOTTO 123:

Three Medals - King David / Aaron the Priest / Moses - Paris, 1827

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 300
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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9.5.17 in Kedem

Three Medals - King David / Aaron the Priest / Moses - Paris, 1827
1. Medal with a portrait of King David. Paris, 1827.
Obverse: portrait of King David and the Hebrew legend "David Son of Jesse King of Israel". Signed - "Barre". Reverse: David's harp and the Hebrew legend "I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre, 5587" (Psalm 49). On the edge of the medal is the legend "David Paris 1827". Diameter: 34 mm.
2. Medal with a portrait of Aaron the priest. [Paris 1827].
Obverse: portrait of Aaron wearing a breastplate and the Hebrew legend "Aaron the High Priest". Signed - "Barre". Reverse: the Ark of the Covenant and the cherubim. Above is the Hebrew verse "Then Aaron lifted up his hands toward the people and blessed them". On the bottom - "5587". Diameter: 33 mm. Suspension loop.
3. Medal with portrait of Moses. [Paris 1827].
Obverse: portrait of Moses with horns on his head and the Hebrew legend "Moses master of all prophets". Signed - "Barre". Reverse: the Tablets of the Law with the Ten Commandments, and the Jewish year - 5587. Diameter: 34 mm. Amateur engraving of a serial number on reverse.
Provenance: collection of Bruno Kirschner.