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Notebook of Letters of Approbation for the Book Chemdat Yerushalayim - Letter by the First Ostrovtza Rebbe, Meir ...

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31.10.17 in Kedem

Notebook of Letters of Approbation for the Book Chemdat Yerushalayim - Letter by the First Ostrovtza Rebbe, Meir Yechiel HaLevi (the Tsaddik that Fasted 40 Years) - Many Letters of Rabbis of Poland and Jerusalem
Original letters received by R. Avraham Zvi Margalit, from Rabbis in Poland and Jerusalem, pasted inside a notebook - Letters of approbation for his book Chemdat Yerushalayim and letters of recommendation. Poland, 1904. Jerusalem, [ca. 1908-1928].
* Autograph letter of recommendation (11 lines) signed by R. "Meir Yechiel HaLevi". Ostrowiec [Poland].
* Letters by Polish rabbis: R. Moshe Nachum Yerushalimsky Rabbi of Kielce; R. Chaim Fine R. of Radzyn; R. Simcha Ya'ir [Rosenfeld] Rabbi of Piotrków; R. Moshe Pinchas [Trunk] Rabbi of Kutno; R. Chaim Yitzchak HaCohen Rabbi of Stopnica; R. Petachya Horenblas, rabbi in Warsaw.
* Letter by Jerusalem rabbis, 1908-1909: by R. Chaim Berlin; R. Yisrael Ya'akov Ya'avetz Rabbi of Kremenchuk; R. Shaul Chaim HaLevi Horwitz Rabbi of Dubrowna, author of Klilat Shaul; letter of the Chassidic Beit Din with signatures: R. Lipman David Shuvaks, R. Yosef Yehuda HaLevi and R. Avraham son of R. David HaCohen; letter of the Beit Din signed by R. Moshe Nachum Wallenstein and by R. Zvi Pesach Frank.
* Rabbinic writ for R. Avraham Zvi Margalit upon his appointment as Rabbi of the Nachalat Ya'akov and Beit Yisrael neighborhoods and their surroundings, with 48 signatures, headed by the signature of R. Yisrael Blumenkrantz Rabbi of Krasnystaw. Jerusalem, the 15th of Adar 1909 [according to the book Chachmei Polin p. 432, R. Avraham Zvi refused the appointment of dayan in Jerusalem and continued his diligent study, never ceasing to study in the Beit Midrash in the Old City every midnight].
* Letter of recommendation from 1928 with encouragement to print the books of the author [posthumously], by R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld and R. Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook (long letter, 2 large leaves).
Recipient: R. Avraham Zvi Margalit (1861-1913), disciple of R. Tzadok HaCohen of Lublin and Radzymin Chassid. Served in the rabbinate of several towns near Lublin. In 1908, he ascended to Jerusalem. A prominent Torah scholar and kabbalist. Every Simchat Torah he would make a siyum on the entire Babylonian and Yerushalmi Talmud and on the four parts of the Tur and the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch as well as the entire Yad HaChazaka of the Rambam. Moreover, he studied at length the Zohar and the books of the Ari and other kabbalistic and Chassidic books. Authored the books Keren Ora (printed in Jerusalem 1964) and Chemdat Yerushalayim on the Talmud Yerushalmi Tractate Berachot and Seder Zera'im, which have not yet been printed (besides novella on Tractates Berachot and Pe'ah which were recently printed in various places).
R. Meir Yechiel HaLevi Halstock Rabbi of Ostrowiec (1853-1928), prominent tsaddik and rabbi in Poland. Due to his asceticism and daily fasts, he became known as the "Rebbe who fasted 40 years". An outstanding Torah genius and holy person, he abstained from any material pleasure for years and for more than 40 years, he was accustomed to fasting throughout the week and would only eat a small meal at night. He would fix routines for refraining from all mundane speech. During the week, he never removed his clothing and would also avoid listening to music. Served as Rabbi of Skierniewice from 1880 and in 1889 was appointed Rabbi of Ostrowiec. His fame drew thousands of Chassidim to Ostrowiec who came to learn from his holy conduct and to study Torah and Chassidism and simple people also swarmed to his door with requests for blessing and deliverance. He was known for his genius and proficiency of all facets of Torah study as well as for his brilliant mathematical calculations in explaining Torah matters (compilations of these novellae were printed by his disciples in the Or Torah books). His son R. Yechezkel Halstock founded the Beit Meir chain of yeshivas in his memory, educating many students following the special methods of the Ostrovtza Rebbes.
15 letters, size and condition vary, fair to good. 13 letters are pasted unto the bound notebook, 21 cm.