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Letter of Recommendation by Rebbe Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, Rabbi of Sieniawa

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31.10.17 in Kedem

Letter of Recommendation by Rebbe Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, Rabbi of Sieniawa
Letter of recommendation by the Rebbe of Sieniawa "Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam". Sieniawa, 1897.
Recommendation to assist a family from the city of Stropkov which "left its country and birthplace in favor of living in the Holy Land, and I hereby want to introduce him to our people that he is worthy of endearment and respect wherever he goes, because he is a learned and G-d fearing man". At the beginning of the letter, the Rebbe notes the common relatives he has with the recipient of the letter.
The first Sieniawa Rebbe, R. Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, Rabbi of Sieniawa (1815-1899), author of Divrei Yechezkel, eldest son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. Torah prodigy, proficient in revealed and hidden Torah, and in Halachic and Chassidic knowledge. He was already venerated in his role as rabbi and rebbe during his father's lifetime. Progenitor of important Chassidic dynasties, during the course of his life many of his sons and grandsons served in the rabbinate and became rebbes in various cities. Holy and pure from youth, he served leading rebbes of his times and was considered their primary disciple. He was famed for the miracles he performed, and instructed his students to save his letters, which would provide them with protection and salvation.
Official stationery, "Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam - Sieniawa", approximately 22 cm. Fair condition. Tears to folding creases and wear. Mounted on fabric for preservation.