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Manuscript - Leaf from Devash HaAryeh - Autograph Signed by the Author, Rabbi Gur Aryeh HaLevi of Mantua - Mantua ...

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31.10.17 in Kedem

Manuscript - Leaf from Devash HaAryeh - Autograph Signed by the Author, Rabbi Gur Aryeh HaLevi of Mantua - Mantua, 17th Century
Manuscript, single leaf from the book Devash HaAryeh, kabblistic composition by R. Gur Aryeh HaLevi, a Mantua rabbi. Autograph of the author, each passage signed with his initials "G.A.L.Y". [Mantua, 17th century].
Leaf 2 of a kabbalistic composition, apparently never completed. Novellae on Biblical verses [the Israel Mehlman Collection contained leaf 1 of this composition (Manuscript 123), and a microfilm copy exists in the NLI (erroneously listed as Dvar Aryeh). This leaf is titled in the author's handwriting, explaining his choice of the composition's name].
The "G-dly kabbalist" R. Gur Aryeh son of R. Moshe Hoshaya HaLevi [Pintzi], Rabbi of Mantua in the second half of the 17th century. Authored a commentary on the Shulchan Aruch which was printed together with the Shulchan Aruch in Mantua in 1722-1723 by his nephew R. Gur Aryeh the Second, son of R. Binyamin HaLevi Pintzi. Other compositions he wrote are still in manuscripts, some with kabbalistic content. He was an associate of R. Moshe Zacuto - the Remez (1625-1697), and he himself attests that he heard an angel speaking to the Remez, as cited in the Chida's book Shem HaGedolim (entry R. Moshe Zacuto): "And R. Gur Aryeh who wrote glosses on the Shulchan Aruch… testified that he heard the angel speaking to him".
[1] leaf, written on one side. 32 handwritten lines. 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Tears to margins. Small holes caused by ink erosion, affecting text. Glue residue on the verso.