Asta 87 Jewish and Israeli Art, History and Culture - Including: sketches by Ze'ev Raban and Bezalel items, hildren's books, avant-garde books, rare ladino periodicals, and more
Da Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israele

The present catalogue includes an extensive chapter dedicated to Bezalel artists, including illustrated books, various objects, drawing and paintings. This chapter features numerous original sketches for works by Ze'ev Raban - Raban's sketchbook (lot 318), sketches for illustrations to the Song of Songs (lot 320), sketches of the signs of the Zodiac (lot 327), a large collection of photographs of works by Raban and Meir Gur Aryeh (lot 344), and many other unique items from the estate of Shlomo Kedmi, who succeeded Raban and Gur Aryeh in the Industrial Art Studio.

The chapter dedicated to Hebrew children's books features charming works by prominent writers and illustrators: stories by Benzion Raskin illustrated by Uriel Kahana, Chaim Hanft and Haim Goldberg; poems by Itzhak Katzenelson illustrated by Gertrud Caspari; rhymes by Ya'akov David Kamson illustrated by Else Wenz-Viëtor; children's book published by "Omanut", with color lithograph illustrations by "Chavurat Tsayarim" (Apter, Mutzelmacher, Kravtsov and Higer); pop-up books illustrated by David Gilboa; and other rare books.

The avant-garde chapter features Yiiddish, Hebrew and Russian books, with illustrations and cover-designs by important Russian avant-garde artists such as El Lissitzky, Joseph Chaikov, Issachar Ber Ryback, Mark Epstein and Nathan Altman.

The catalogue further features a variety of choice items representing the history of Palestine and Zionism, bibliophile works, letters, travelogues and maps of Palestine, photographs, postcards, rare Ladino periodicals, works by Safed-based artist Yosef Zvi Geiger, bibliophile works, a chapter dedicated to numismatics, and many more items.

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Advertisement Poster – Launch of the Daily Newspaper "HaTzofe" – Tel Aviv, 1937

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 100
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
Gli utenti stranieri potrebbero essere esentati dal pagamento delle tasse, secondo il regime fiscale vigente.
19.7.22 in Kedem

Advertisement Poster – Launch of the Daily Newspaper "HaTzofe" – Tel Aviv, 1937

Advertisement poster announcing the launch of the daily newspaper "HaTzofe", organ of the Mizrachi movement. Tel Aviv: Strod, 1937.
The daily newspaper "HaTzofe" was founded in Tel Aviv in 1937, by Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan (Berlin), as the organ of the religious Zionist movement Mizrachi. Until its establishment, no religious-Jewish daily newspapers were published in Palestine. "HaTzofe" reported on current affairs and offered various articles and columns written from a traditional-Jewish and Zionist perspective.
This poster announces with considerable pathos the commencement of publication of "HaTzofe" on December 17, 1937; it urges the public to assist the enterprise through different means, such as subscribing to the newspaper and purchasing advertising spaces.
"HaTzofe" was published regularly for approximately 71 years, until it was merged with the newspaper "Makor Rishon" in 2008.

63X94 cm. Fair-poor condition. Stains, including large dampstains. Fold lines and creases. Closed and open tears to margins (minor damage to text in upper margin), some tears restored with paper on verso. Pinholes. Some abrasions. Singeing to top.

Reference: Chen-Tzion Nayot, "Blessed is He Who Gives Voice to the Voiceless: The Beginning of the Hatzofe Newspaper" (Hebrew). Kesher, 51, Spring 2018.