Asta 81 Collection of Willy Lindwer
Da Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israele
Orientalia: Jewish Ceremonial Art, Ethnic Jewelry and Printed Items
L'asta è terminata

LOTTO 372:

Three Hanukkah Lamps made from Bullet Cartridges – Israel Defense Forces

Venduto per: $250
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 250
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
Gli utenti stranieri potrebbero essere esentati dal pagamento delle tasse, secondo il regime fiscale vigente.
13.7.21 in Kedem

Three Hanukkah Lamps made from Bullet Cartridges – Israel Defense Forces
Three Hanukkah lamps made from bullet cartridges presented as gifts to military personnel. Israel, [second half of 20th century].
Bullet and shell cartridges; brass, turned, pierced and soldered.
1. Large Hanukkah lamp. Candleholders, including servant light, made from bullet cartridges screwed into a 75-mm shell cartridge, itself supported on two additional bullet cartridges. Emblem of IDF soldered onto servant light. On front, plaque with (English) inscription "I.A.C.E. [International Air Cadet Exchange?] 1970, Israel Air Force." Emblem of Israel Air Force, and Star of David on metal plaque soldered or glued onto shell cartridge. Height: 19 cm. Width: 27.5 cm.
2. Large Hanukkah lamp. Candleholders, including servant light – incrementally ascending in height from left to right – made from bullet cartridges screwed into horizontal shell cartridge, itself supported on additional vertical shell cartridge. Height: 24 cm. Width: 32 cm.
3. Small Hanukkah lamp. Candleholders, including servant light, made from bullet cartridges soldered onto a 40-mm cartridge, itself supported on two additional bullet cartridges. Soldered onto the front are the emblem of the IDF, the "Paratrooper Wings" (insignia of the Paratroopers Brigade), and an officer's insignia. Soldered onto the opening of the 40-mm cartridge is a disk bearing the image of a fox, emblem of the IDF's Southern Command. Height: 10 cm. Width: 17 cm.