Asta 81 Collection of Willy Lindwer
Da Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israele
Orientalia: Jewish Ceremonial Art, Ethnic Jewelry and Printed Items
L'asta è terminata


Three Manuscript Segments – Morocco – Cemetery Prayers / Amulet to Ward Off Scorpions / Customs, and More

Venduto per: $180
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 120
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
Gli utenti stranieri potrebbero essere esentati dal pagamento delle tasse, secondo il regime fiscale vigente.
13.7.21 in Kedem

Three Manuscript Segments – Morocco – Cemetery Prayers / Amulet to Ward Off Scorpions / Customs, and More
Three segments of manuscripts. Morocco, [end of 19th century / first half of 20th century].
Ink on paper.
1. Leaves from a manuscript titled "Tefillat Beit Almin, with Sefer HaBal'ai and Sefer Re'ashim VeRa'amim, and Pri Hadar Le-Tu BiShevat". Including: prayers for visits to the cemetery and to tombs of holy men/women, a version of an amulet to ward off scorpions and snakes, with stylized illustrations of scorpions. [22] pp.
2. Leaves from a manuscript titled "Ta'amei Hilkhot Ta'arovet Issur." [10] pp.
3. Composition entitled "Minhagei Tafilalt BeTreifot" ("Laws of 'Treifot' [unkosher foods] [Practiced in] Tafilalt"). [6] + [1] pp.
Size and condition vary. Overall fair condition (item no. 2 in fair-poor condition).