Asta 77 Judaica – Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial
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Sefer HaPeliah – Segulah Book – Przemyśl, 1883

Venduto per: $300
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 300
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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15.3.21 in Kedem

Sefer HaPeliah – Segulah Book – Przemyśl, 1883
Sefer HaPeliah – Sefer HaKaneh, kabbalah, by R. Avigdor Kara of Prague. Przemyśl, 1883.
Bound with: Pelach HaRimon, commentary on perplexing midrashim, by R. Betzalel of Kobryn. Lviv, [1887].
Segulah book – the presence of this book in the house is a source of protection and blessing, as attested in the approbations to the book.
Stamps of R. Simcha Yosef Ryczewol of Warsaw.
Sefer HaPeliah: [4], 85; 74, [4] leaves. Pelach HaRimon: 38 leaves. 25 cm. Leaves of Pelach HaRimon trimmed and slightly smaller, 24 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Small marginal tear to title page of Sefer HaPeliah. Marginal wear and minor tears to Pelach HaRimon. Stamps and handwritten inscriptions. Old binding, damaged, without spine.