Asta 25 Sale of original Israeli art
Da Yotzrim - Israeli Art Gallery
lunedì, 23.9.24, 20:00

"Yotzrim gallery" is an art gallery that specializes in combining interior design and art, both at home and in the office. We provide artistic consulting services, done by professionals in the field.

The gallery has been in operation for ten years, and focuses on representing original works by contemporary Israeli artists. Their work has been carefully selected from various artistic styles, such as drawing, painting, sculpture and more

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LOTTO 500:

הספר "יונתן גולד: בועט בדלי"

Prezzo incluse commissioni.: $ 35,10
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 30
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 17% Altri dettagli
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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