Leilão 108 Parte 2 Silver, Daum Nancy glass, art, wrist and pocket watches, jewelry, Judaica and more
Por Ishtar
50 Pinsker st. Tel-Aviv., Israel
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LOTE 420:

Austro-Hungarian Silver Cups

Preço inicial:
$ 120
Comissão da leiloeira: 22%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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20.4.23 em Ishtar

Austro-Hungarian Silver Cups
Lot of Austro-Hungarian silver items, including: 2 goblets and a cup. Decorated with engraved and embossed floral motifs and a rural landscape. One bears an inscription. Height: 3.5-7 cm. Total weight: 149 grams. Hallmarked.