Weekly Native American Artifact Auction
3330 Branchwood Drive Quincy, IL 62301, Estados Unidos
Excellent Selection of Native American Artifacts, including Arrowheads, Effigies, and Hardstone! There are also many fossil specimen featured! Don't miss out on this auction!
O leilão terminou


7/8" Bird point, Novaculite, Lee Co. Arkansas, Native American Artifact

Vendido por: $10
Preço inicial:
$ 10
Preço estimado :
$15 - $10 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 15% Mais detalhes
IVA: 6.25% Incide sobre o valor do lote, sem IVA sobre a comissão

7/8" Bird point, Novaculite, Lee Co. Arkansas, Native American Artifact