Asta 10 July 28, 2021 / י"ט אב, תשפ"א
Da Genazym
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Handwritten & Autographed Annotations by Harav Shmuel Heller on Mishnayos Seder Kodashim. Slavita, 1822

Venduto per: $3 200
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 1 000
Prezzo stimato :
$2 000 - $3 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23% Altri dettagli
28.7.21 in Genazym

Handwritten & Autographed Annotations by Harav Shmuel Heller on Mishnayos Seder Kodashim. Slavita, 1822

The sefer contains approximately twenty handwritten annotations, with 2 signed initials on (pages 60B and 62A)

Hagaon Harav Shmuel Heller (1803 approximately-1884) visited the Chozeh of Lublin several times during his youth, and the Chozeh personally placed tefillin on him and blessed him. He immgrated with his father to Tzfat where he gained a reputation as a great sage and kabbalist and was appointed to be the Rav of the city.

The title page of the sefer also features the signature of his brother Harav Moshe Leib Heller [1815-1870), who was a son-in-law and student of Rabbi Amram Chassida of Tzfat and among the close chassidim and disciples of the Bas Ayin. Harav Moshe Heller was certified as a shochet and bodek by his teacher, the Bas Ayin, and was regarded as a tzaddik who shunned all pleasures of the world and toiled in Torah day and night.

Slavita, 1822. Printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapiro of Slavita. 163 pages. Page size: 26 cm. Old binding. Good condition.

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