European, Asian Arts, Antiques, Samurai Swords, June 24, 2023
By Eternity Gallery
Jun 24, 2023
PO BOX 48073 Tampa, FL 33646 USA, United States

Great selection of arts and antiques from all over the world. 

Unique collection of Samurai swords.

LOT 340:

Four Chinese Bronze Soldiers, Qin dynasty style

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Start price:
$ 800
Estimated price :
$4,000 - $8,000
Buyer's Premium: 24% More details

Four Chinese Bronze Soldiers, Qin dynasty style
Attributed to Qin dynasty (221 to 206 BC); -Tallest soldier with 2 hair nodes. Weight: 1480 g = 3 lb. 4 oz , Height: 14 = 35 cm; -Middle soldier with 1 small hair node Weight: 3 lb. 8 oz. =1600 g; Height: 13.5 = 34 cm; -Middle soldier with 1 big hair node - Weight: 3 lb.=1400 g; Height: 13.25 = 33.5 cm; -Kneeling soldier with 1 small hair node; Weight: 3 lb. 8 oz.= 1600 g ; Height: 10.5 in. = 26.5 cm; Total weight: 14 lb. = 6 kg; Tallest soldier with 2 hair nodes: 14 = 35 cm; 3 lb. 4 oz. = 1480 g; Middle soldier with 1 small hair node: 13.5 = 34 cm; 3 lb. 8 oz. = 1600 g; Middle soldier with 1 big hair node 13.25 = 33.5 cm 3 lb. = 1400 g. Kneeling soldier with 1 small hair node 10.5 = 26.5 cm; 3 lb. 8 oz. = 1600 g; Suggested Shipping in USA - FED-EX ground, UPS ground, approximately $50-$100. International shipping is available, ask for rates, please. Condition: Natural green patina and oxidation all over, remnants of clay or soil - inside the statues; Low Estimate: 2000; High Estimate: 6000;

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