Asta 042322 Dressed to Kill, Dressed to Till
Da Casco Bay Auctions
147 Main Street, Freeport, ME, Stati Uniti
Historic Men’s Dress, Military and Civil, including Costume, Artwork, and Color Plate Books from the James L. Kochan Collection.
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Early 19th century "homespun" blanket, 2-panel construction

Venduto per: $200
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 120
Prezzo stimato :
$250 - $500
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
IVA: 5.5% Il prezzo e la commissione del lotto completo
23.4.22 in Casco Bay Auctions

Early 19th century "homespun" blanket, 2-panel construction
A natural white woolen blanket of American manufacture, approximately 82 inches long by 69 inches wide overall, constructed of two panels or lengths, each 34 ½ inches wide from selvedge to selvedge, butt-seamed or stoated together with red yarn (the ends blanket-stitched with the same).  The wool is twill-wove and finished with a pattern of stripes 3 ¼ inches from each end, with two narrow (1/4”) stripes of dark blue framing a wider (1 ½”) stripe of red, with a narrow space of white in between.  Purchased from Hollis Broderick in 2008.