Imhoff Auction
Por Atlee Raber Auction
17020 Dover Road Dundee, OH 44624, Estados Unidos
500+ Lots of Antiques, Collectibles, Primities, Jewelery, Toys and more
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LOTE 15:

Early Dove Tail Copper Tea Kettle w/ Lid

Vendido por: $30
Preço inicial:
$ 10
Preço estimado :
$25 - $1 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 24%
IVA: 6.75% Sobre a comissão apenas
27.2.23 em Atlee Raber Auction

Early Dove Tail Copper Tea Kettle w/ Lid
Showing very little denting and scratching, great condition for age and usage.
13 1/4" H x 12 1/4" W